Track Training Schedule 1/6/14 – 1/12/14
Whats up guys?! Spring Semester starts tomorrow (in case you somehow forgot..) and I can’t wait to see you guys again! I hope you all enjoyed your break and are ready for another awesome semester of running/Track. Just as a […]
Track Training Schedule Week 3 (12/30/13 – 1/05/14)
President – Peter Jude Peter runs the 8k during XC season and the 5k and 10k during track season. His PRs are 16:12 in the 5k, cialis 40mg 28:39 in the 8k, and 10:00 in the 3200m. He is a […]

FSU Invitational
Florida Running Club took 27 runners to the FSU Invitational where they held their own among D1 teams and even beat a few NCAA teams. Despite the Seminoles’ attempts to raise the difficulty level of the course, pills FRC was […]
10/14/13 – 10/20/13
Monday: meet at the track at 6pm for core. 4-8 miles. stretch. for the route we will do the Jungle. Tuesday: track workout!! Michael is starting at 6:00am OR Morgan is starting at 6:30am. 10-20 minute warm up. 4 X […]
UF Mountain Dew Invitational 2013
Follow the link here for the full results. We will put our runners times on this website within the week.
9/16/13 – 9/22/13
(From the Coaches) Monday: meet at the track at 6:30pm. Abs first (this way people don’t have to wait around after their run for the people who went far to do abs together). grass drills. Run 4-8 miles through the […]
9/9/13 – 9/15/13
(From the Coaches) Monday: meet at the track at 6:30pm. Abs first (this way people don’t have to wait around after their run for the people who went far to do abs together). grass drills. Run 4-8 miles through the […]
3/11/13 – 3/17/13
Monday- 1-2 mile warmup, this web 4×1 mile at race pace with 3 minute recovery after each mile, ed 1-2 mile cool down. Tuesday- 30-70 minute recovery run. Wednesday- 30-60 minute easy run. Thursday- 1-2 mile warmup, 2×2 mile at […]
2/25/13 – 3/3/13
Monday (workout day): Start with a 1.5-3mile warmup (make sure your legs are actually warmed up so you don’t pull anything). Do some stretches (both dynamic and static), sildenafil do 2-4 100m strides, hepatitis and get some water. The workout is […]
2/11/13 – 2/17/13
Monday (workout day): Start with a 1.5-3mile warmup (make sure your legs are actually warmed up so you don’t pull anything). Do some stretches (both dynamic and static), sildenafil do 2-4 100m strides, hepatitis and get some water. The workout is […]